

Legend still surrounds the origin of the name Castelmagno, which may derive from the name of the San Magno Sanctuary, built in memory of a Roman soldier martyred on the surrpundings peaks, or from the Emperor Carlo Magno a great cheese admirer.
With arbitration judgment of 1277, the Marquis of Saluzzo, called to rule on a dispute upon the alpine pastures, obliged Castelmagno village to pay an annual fee of seven Castelmagno shapes, alpage cheeseo bviously.
The possession of same Castelmagno shapes was a pretext for a war between Cuneo and Saluzzo, that lasted - as said- 30 years, one for each form of the desired cheese.
Five centuries later, a decree by Vittorio Amedeo II of Savoia, would order the "kingship of nine rubbi of cheese" and in the 19th century Castelmagno was praised throughout Europe.
The 19th century washeyday of the prestigoius cheese: Castelmagno became the King of Italian cheese, apparing in the most prestigious restaurants menu in London and Paris.
Then a period of decline follows and due the wars and the mountain depopulation during the sixties, Castelmagno had seriously risked to disappear.
Starting from the early eighties, thanks to the late Mayor Gianni de Matteis, the production is resumed and Castelmagno obtained, first cheese in Italy, the D.O.P. protection.
Nowadays the cheese on the market is often industrially produced in valley dairies but there are still cheese makers who use strictly defined methods, that have been handed down orally fron father to son.
Our company was born in full respect of tradition and our mission is to experience again and protect the true tastes, scents and aromas of the extraordinary dairy product.